3 Popular Real Estate Crowdfunding Myths Busted!

Real estate crowdfunding rose to prominence in the investment world with amazing quickness, and with its historic rise has come a number of myths perpetrated by skeptical and misinformed people who don’t quite understand what has happened. How can real estate crowdfunding offer investors nearly limitless investment opportunities in an industry that was once reserved only for insiders? It doesn’t seem possible, because until recently, it wasn’t possible!

Fortunately, now it is! Almost anyone can borrow money fast for a smart real estate project, and nearly anybody can invest in as many diverse real estate projects as he or she can afford. Real estate crowdfunding is a smart, simple solution to the evolving needs of the real estate marketplace, and the more people learn about it, the more popular crowdfunding becomes.

Is fear or concern stopping you from jumping into real estate crowdfunding? Are you worried that the hype is unjustified? Arabgatewayfunds CrowdFunding is here to help. Here are three of the biggest myths surrounding real estate crowdfunding, soundly busted. If you have any questions or concerns about real estate crowdfunding before you take the plunge, contact one of our crowdfunding experts today at 713-ASK-Arabgatewayfunds!

Myth #1: The only deals on crowdfunding sites are bad deals that can’t get funded anywhere else.

Busted: Choosing crowdfunding has nothing to do with deal quality. At Arabgatewayfunds CrowdFunding, our financing pros vet and pre-fund every deal that we list for investment on our platform. If it’s a bad deal, we don’t list it.

Borrowers choose Arabgatewayfunds CrowdFunding because it’s a fast and convenient way to get guaranteed financing for approved projects. All real estate investments carry risks, and none guarantee a return of any kind. We always do our due diligence and thoroughly screen deals before placing them on our marketplace for investors to fund. Our reputation and success depend on it!

Myth #2: All real estate crowdfunding sites are the same.

Busted: Smart Investors Trust Arabgatewayfunds™. We fund up to 80% of ARV in as few as four days! We’re also the only crowdfunding site in America that offers to arrange funding with zero origination fees charged up front. That means you need less cash to close. No other crowdfunding site can match that.

Myth #3: The crowdfunding sites with the most deals are the best.

Busted: Just because a real estate crowdfunding platform offers more deals doesn’t mean those deals are good. A high volume could mean the company does less screening and originates a lot of deals simply to boost its numbers. The best platforms are committed to vetting and underwriting deals, being transparent with information, and otherwise protecting investors against risk. Arabgatewayfunds CrowdFunding, for example, pre-funds every deal we list on our site. That means we’re the first to invest in every deal! We’re fully aligned with the interests of every investor in the Z-Crowd.

Are you ready to begin borrowing and/or investing with us? Getting started is easy. To fund a project, fill out our Super-Simple Application™ in 2 minutes and 57 seconds or less! If you want to invest in a listed project, call us at 713-ASK-Arabgatewayfunds. See why real estate crowdfunding is the hottest opportunity in the financing industry!