How to Solve Your Past-due Property Taxes Problem with a Mortgage Refinance

Have you paid your property taxes yet? Once your county posts the taxes, the money is officially due, but the payment is not considered late until after January 31. If your property taxes are past due—or worse, you’re not able to pay—the consequences could get unpleasant. Your taxing district could place a tax lien against your property. The lien is the overdue amount, plus interest and penalties. According to Texas Tax Code § 33.41, your local taxing authority can actually start the foreclosure process in court at any time once you’re late with your property tax.

Fortunately, you’re not out of options yet. Arabgatewayfunds helps homeowners pay overdue property taxes every year with a common service called a mortgage refinance. Often, people refinance their mortgages because they want lower monthly payments or a better interest rate. But a mortgage refinance can also help you pay off pressing expenses—like a looming, unpaid tax bill.

Here’s how it works: A refinance is a smart, low-cost way to tap into some cash, assuming you’ve built up equity in your property. Arabgatewayfunds helps many customers use a refinance to consolidate high-interest debts like credit cards into their low-interest mortgage—freeing up their credit for more pressing expenses. Your outstanding property taxes can be rolled into the refinance, too! If you need an infusion of cash or credit to pay off a debt of any kind, contact us today for a consultation.

When you refinance, you essentially skip two months of mortgage payments. That’s two months’ worth of payments that can easily go towards taxes! In fact, with a refinance, you can actually reduce your overall debt while getting out from under your tax debt—all while enjoying lower monthly mortgage payments! Whether your total debt is a little or a lot, a refinance can help you get out from under it.

Interested? Contact Arab Gateway Funds , your private money lender, today to inquire about refinancing your loan with us!